Checklist Of Items Lenders Need To Approve Your Loan Application

The following is a sample of this special report:

The following list of items has been compiled for your convenience. Please bring this information to your mortgage application in order to expedite the processing of your mortgage loan.

  • A check for your credit report and appraisal
  • Your residence addresses for the past two years
  • Names, addresses and phone number of your landlords for the past two years
  • Present value of all real estate owned
  • Names, addresses, phone numbers and contact person for all employers for the last two years
  • W-2 Forms for all employers for the last two years

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Also, make sure you register for our Insider Mortgage Secrets, browse our HomeBuying Resources section and fill-out a free no-obligation secure online application or call our Rolla, Missouri office at (573) 364-5626 with any questions you have.

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This report contains extremely valuable information designed to help you avoid costly mistakes when obtaining a mortgage. Although some of the tips disclosed may not make me popular with the other mortgage lenders, I am more concerned that you have all the information you need to make and informed decision when shopping for a mortgage.

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